Hello Everyone,
I thought in my first post that I would share my journey of how I got to this point of FINALLY posting on my blog. Two weeks ago, I gave my resignation. I had a great job, it paid well and I worked with some pretty awesome people. I worked for a ginormous company and the benefits were awesome. So why would I leave???
Well there were 2 main reasons… I have worked every holiday for the last 10 years and countless nights and weekends. That is time away from my family that I just can’t buy back. Secondly, I was feeling extremely unfulfilled. I knew that I couldn’t reach my potential staying where I was and the thought of being in the same place for another year scared me more than leaping out into the unknown.
It took me a while but I finally had an epiphany that I am an extremely driven person that has been successful at whatever I put my mind to- in fact, not only was I in the top of the class for my MBA program but also often the “top of my class” at work. The problem is, when you’re stuck in your bubble at work, it’s hard to see things from an outside perspective.
Luckily, I have a support system of great friends, coworkers and family that believed in me and encouraged me to do more. I truly think that my maternity leave allowed me the time off to value what I had been missing out on and then going back to work and feeling the same hopeless frustrations of being stuck helped me move forward in this decision.
I am not sure what my next move will be. I know that I have to have a job— our family’s health benefits have always relied on me but this time around I want to do something that I am passionate about and can fuel my potential. I love working, setting goals and achieving them and I love helping others! I want to be able to do something that allows me to do this in a creative, teamwork setting.
So here goes… My blog will be about that balance. Whether it is finding it in your career or with your family. I will share my journey and be open & honest about it. While at the same time, I am going to encourage you to share yours as well! That way we can all be successful together! 🙂
“You’re off to great places
Today is your day
Your mountain is waiting
So get on your way”
~Dr Seuss
#shebelievedshecouldsoshedid #lifechanging #daretoliveit #choosecourage #keeplookingup #thenextchapter #whatyouremostafraidofwillsetyoufree #optimist #takerisks #goforit
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